Sunday, January 25, 2009

Quick set needle

I woke up with this idea only to realize there is already something on the market, not nearly as good as my idea but the need is already meet none the less. So the idea was a needle with the area where the eye is, would have a tab and you could pull the thread in, instead of pushing it through...

current designs enter from the side, I would enter from the rear and have a tighter cut so that the thread would not be able to be pulled out. Current deigns have an opening, or are from the side which looks more difficult to use.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Work Bud Vase Club

So I was thinking that a florist should have a service where you sign-up at work for a bud a week. You would need a few people to sign up so maybe 5 or 10 in an office, and the florist would send a package every week with the bud of the week for you to put in your bud vase... Could make it inexpensive perhaps $10 a month or soemthing. Flowers get sent to the organizer, perhaps an admin or something and then she would be responsible for distribution...

Great corporate sponsered gift, aka mary kay rep at a company could sign up and the vase would be a mary kay bud vase then a fresh flower every week (or every other week) for that customer!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"green" pakaging for Dry cleaning

I would love it if my local dry cleaners provided a nice bag to transport dry cleaning instead of the traditional wrapped in plastic. The bag could have some cool features such as a all my info so I could do late night drop off, with a spot to include hangers so those could be easily recyled as well...

Just got back from Chile, I will try to catch up on my postings...